In the Know
The Kentucky RHIO team does the heavy lifting by providing the most up-to-date information within the Rural Healthcare industry.
The Kentucky RHIO team does the heavy lifting by providing the most up-to-date information within the Rural Healthcare industry.
As you may know, your practice is REQUIRED to do a yearly Risk Analysis to check for potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of ePHI held by the office. Since it’s the beginning of the year, it’s time to start thinking about how your office can make improvements going forward usingRead about Start Off the New Year with In-House Risk Assessment
“But I have been caring for patients and been working in healthcare for many, many years. Why do I need to change the way I care for patients?” This is a question I often get when working with practices that have an outstanding track record for patient outcomes. However, measuring the quality of healthcare andRead about Performance Measurement and Quality Improvement: Why should we improve our already awesome Clinic?
The time has come for us to say goodbye to 2016 and usher in a new year. In doing so, we say goodbye to traditional quality programs (Meaningful Use Incentive Program, Physician Quality Reporting System [PQRS] and Value-Based Modifier System [VM]) and begin work on the new Medicare quality program, the Merit-Based Incentive Payment SystemRead about 7 Action Items You Need to Know Heading into 2017
How it works We negotiate discounts for you on products and services you already buy. Most of the products and services are large brand names of the companies you already know and trust. All discounts are already negotiated before you buy, so once you become a Veira customer through your NeKY RHIO membership you canRead about The Membership Advantages with NeKY RHIO’s GPO
Just as location is important to a realtor, diagnosis documentation should be important to billing E/M services. Don’t lose sight that the documentation does not need to include a diagnosis pulled from a previous visit or previous diagnosis that does not affect the current illness or treatment plan. It is always important to remind theRead about Staying Focused by Coding the Current Encounter
Since the implementation of HIPAA there have been many road signs to help guide us all through the tedious ins and outs of this important policy. When it comes to securing Patient Health Information (PHI) in the context of HIPAA compliance, we need to remember that even after developing policies and procedures that it doesn’tRead about Honing in on HIPAA: Implementing Training and Awareness in Your Practice
Care Coordination is the organization of patient care activities between two or more participants to facilitate the appropriate delivery of health care services. Care Transitions are a set of actions designed to ensure the coordination and continuity of health care as patients transfer between different locations or different levels of care in the same location.Read about Care Coordination & Care Transition
For anyone that has maintained a system built on amazing charts for more than a few weeks, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about right from the title, but for everyone else let me fill you in: Amazing Charts is an amazing program, or so the people that I maintain it for say on theRead about Amazing Charts: Unruly Backups
A little over two weeks have passed since the early announcement of the MACRA final rule and we are well underway with studying the 2171 page document. While we are working on committing the entire document to memory, I wanted to go ahead and share some key changes from the proposed rule regarding MIPS eligibleRead about MACRA Final Rule Published – And here’s what we know about it!
Reducing costs always has and will continue to be a focus area in which NeKY RHIO can provide great value, but it clearly isn’t the only area. The transition from fee-for-service to pay-for-quality has become the new normal for providers, creating new and powerful demands for value-based purchasing solutions. That’s why NeKY RHIO works collaborativelyRead about Value Based Purchasing Concept