What is a Career Path or Career Ladder?
Career paths and ladders are trusted methods used over time that allow employees to progress within an organization, hence moving up the ladder. These methods can help an organization retain and develop employee talent in order to confront major workforce challenges including: the right employee recruitment, employee disengagement, greater employee demands, lack of diversity, meeting a multigenerational workforce, advancement challenges, and culture change.
Career Ladders
Career ladders propose the notion of employee advancement through the progression of related jobs in your organization. Career Ladders rank related employment positions from highest to lowest based upon job responsibility and pay grade.
Career Paths
Career Paths essentially encapsulates many different types of employment advancement options such as vertical career ladders, horizontal career networks, career advancement outside of your organization and other career opportunities.
Common Challenges with Career Ladders and Paths
There are a few challenges often brought about with these career advancement options, but one that sticks out the most is the obstacle of career plateau or career stagnation that are often found in the traditional career ladder methods. These can often cause a roadblock for employees trying to climb the ladder. A career plateau is when there are no other opportunities for advancement or the employee has reached their skill level limit. Career plateaus can often cause an employer to lose skillful and talented employees as they seek advancement elsewhere. Career stagnation is basically when an employee has lost interest in their job and becomes less effective. A plateau can often lead to stagnation if they are not actively trying to fix or move out of the plateau.
Using the Tried-and-True Method to Overcome These Challenges:
For those Healthcare organizations currently utilizing the ladder or path methods of career and workforce advancement, you can overcome these workforce challenges by ensuring career plateaus and stagnation do not set in. Allow your employees to have the opportunity for growth by educating the now and providing them with the opportunity to advance their skills. Health IT education is a great strategy in meeting these obstacles head strong while also forging ahead into the consistently changing landscape of Healthcare advancements.
In a recent study, 85% of CEOs said that Talent Management is the most important business priority, but only 2 in 10 leaders surveyed said they actually try managing their talent. Don’t let these individuals slide by, do your part to educate your employees today and manage your organizations talent!
Interested in Health IT Education?
The NeKY RHIO has exactly what you need in order to meet your obstacle! Our Health IT Certification Program will educate your employees and allow them to be certified by accredited organizations through AHIMA and/or HIMSS. Our Health IT education embraces higher skills in management, IT, leadership, quality, and efficiency/ effectiveness with health IT concepts.
Check us out at workforce page for more information today!