In the Know
The Kentucky RHIO team does the heavy lifting by providing the most up-to-date information within the Rural Healthcare industry.
The Kentucky RHIO team does the heavy lifting by providing the most up-to-date information within the Rural Healthcare industry.
November is National Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Awareness Month. An estimated 16 million Americans suffer from COPD and possibly millions more are likely to have the disease and not know it. Did you know that this disease kills more than 120,000 Americans each year? To put it in more realistic terms, that is oneRead about Understanding COPD and how it is diagnosed
Going in an office and mentioning quality improvement measures seems to make heads spin. As the pressure builds to meet these standards, many offices have the same question: Whose job it is? The office manager? The front desk or billing? Spoiler alert: It’s everyone’s job! What? Everyone? Yes, it takes everyone at your office toRead about Quality improvement: Whose job is it?
Many times, a rural provider will see the same type of diagnosis on a daily or weekly basis. Unfortunately, the medical coder will become efficient and fall into the same routine. This could lead them to succumb to the pressure of productivity and quotas. To prevent this, let’s take a another look at the basicsRead about Don’t Set Cruise Control With Medical Coding
In a rural area, former employees can still often be connected to your practice. Your current employees are then faced with the dilemma of what to do when a former employee wants, needs or asks for something. Often, employees think it is acceptable to give information to the former employee when in fact it isRead about Avoid HIPAA Violations with Former Employees
As we all know, healthcare is constantly changing and we have to keep up with those changes on a daily basis. NeKY RHIO and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) are dedicated to keeping up with those changes for you. NCQA redesigned Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) recognition to align with the continuing changes inRead about Commit, transform and succeed with PCMH recognition
It is that time of year again for back-to-school shopping for new clothes, backpacks, sneakers and immunizations. Though they’re an unconventional item on your supply list, immunizations are an important item to check off. Immunizations aren’t only for babies and young children; preteens and teens also need them in order to stay healthy during theRead about Make Immunizations Part of Your Back-to-School List
Healthcare is constantly changing but the PCMH model aligns with where health care is headed. Practices, Providers, and Patients are already seeing changes for improved healthcare through the PCMH model. However, PCMH recognition is a long and tedious process from start to finish. Below are 5 common challenges of implementing the PCMH Model in yourRead about 5 Challenges of Implementing the PCMH Model in your Rural Practice
Put your skills to the test Here are two emails, both seemingly from Apple. One of them is a phishing email and one is a real email. Can you tell the difference? Some things you can do to avoid phishing scams: Check the source of information from incoming mail: Is the website legitimate? Are youRead about Can you tell the difference between a phishing email and a real email?
Is your office CMS emergency prepared? In 2015 extreme weather cost the U.S. economy more than $10 billion. In 2016 this trend continued with massive snowstorms, flooding, earthquakes, forest fires, tornadoes, and hurricanes across the country. More than ever, business owners should be aware of the financial necessity of preparing their business for the unexpected.Read about Don’t Get Caught in the Eye of the Storm
The importance of training & development in Healthcare: Training and developing your education in the healthcare industry is a constant on-going process with the ever-demanding technological advances we see on a day-to-day basis. As the industry grows, so does the need for specialization of the different parts. Your education should never stop at your diplomaRead about Growing Your Own – Training and Development in Healthcare